martes, 20 de octubre de 2015

Jurisdiction, competence, application of the EU Regulation 650/2012 (Seminar and exchange of best practices)

Jurisdiction, competence, application of the
EU Regulation 650/2012
Seminar and exchange of best practices
Representation of the European Commission and Parliament
Paseo de la Castellana, no. 46, Madrid
30 October 2015, h. 9.00 am

9:00 - 9:15 Welcome coffee

9:15 - 11:30 Seminar
General greetings:
Mrs. Aránzazu Beristain Ibarrola, European Commission representative in Madrid
Mr. Rafael Català Polo, Ministry of Justice, Spain
Dr. José Manuel García Collantes, President of the Consejo General del Notariado, Spain

Moderator: Dr. Isidoro Calvo Vidal, Civil Law notary in A Coruña, Spain

The Habitual Residence of the Deceased and the Manifestly Closer Connection as Connecting Factor within the Succession Regulation, Prof. Dr. Peter Kindler, Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, Germany
Determining Jurisdiction under the EU Succession Regulation, Prof. Dr. Francesca C. Villata, University of Milan, Italy
Civil Notary competence under the UE Regulation 650/2012, Mrs. Inmaculada Espiñeira Soto, Civil Law Notary, in Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Questions and answers - first part

11:30-12:00 Coffee break

12:00 - 14:00 Seminar
Recognition of judgments, Dr. Stefano Dominelli, University of Genoa, Italy
Application of the UE Regulation 650/2012 in Spain as a pluri-legislative State, Prof. Dr. Albert Font Segura, Pompeu Fabra University, Spain
Disposition of property upon death according to UE Regulation no.650/2012, Dr. Alexandra Cosmina Muntean, Civil Law Notary in Romania
Questions and answers - second part

14:00 - 15:30 Lunch break

15:30 – 18:30 Best practices exchange
Moderator: Giovanni Liotta, Civil law notary in Spadafora

Introducing and presenting several practical cases, Daniele Muritano, Civil law notary in Empoli, TEP

The speakers of the morning session and Dr. Jacopo Re, representing the University of Milan as the project Coordinator, will discuss on selected practical cases
Questions and answers and closing of the event

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