miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2015

Security Rights and the New European Insolvency Regulation (Erice, October 19th 2015)

Security Rights and the New European Insolvency Regulation (848/2015)
(Erice, October 19th 2015)

ERICE (Trapani) - Italy

8.45 Registration and Coffee

9.00 Introduction and Welcome: Prof Gerard McCormack (University of Leeds, and Coordinator of the Project) and Prof Renato Mangano (University of Palermo)

9.15 Session 1 - The Regulation 848/2015 and the endorsed policy on security rights
  • Chair Dr Robert van Galen (Immediate Past President, INSOL Europe)
  • Speakers Prof Francisco Garcimartín (Universidad Autónoma of Madrid) /Dr Reinhard Dammann (Clifford Chance, Paris)/ Prof Francesca Fiorentini (University of Trieste)
10.40 Refreshments

11.15 Session 2 – The Regulation 848/2015 and its ex post impact on security rights (avoidance rules and moratorium)
  • Chair Prof Heinz Vallender (Judge in Cologne)
  • Speakers Prof Irit Mevorach (University of Nottingham) / Prof Reinhard Bork (University of Hamburg)
12.45 Lunch

13.45 Session 3 – Regulation 848/2015, security rights and third states
  • Chair Prof Federico Mucciarelli (SOAS University of London, and University of “Modena e Reggio Emilia”)
  • Speakers Dr Maya Boureghda Chebeane (JURISMED, Tunis) / Dr Mustapha Mourahib (Clifford Chance, Rabat).
15.10 Refreshments

15.30 Session 4 - Suggestions for a better regulation
  • Chair Prof Bob Wessels (University of Leiden)
  • Speaker Prof Kristin van Zwieten (University of Oxford)

Este es el segundo congreso organizada en el marco del proyecto Security Rights and the European Insolvency Regulation, financiado por la Comisión Europea (JUST/2013/JCIV/AG/4631) y de cuya ejecución se encarga un consorcio formado por las Universidades de Leeds, Santiago de Compostela, Palermo, Hamburgo y Central de Budapest.

La asistencia es gratuita previo registro aquí.

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